Monday, March 23, 2015

Developer of proposed senior housing complex in Beaumont's west end tries to calm concerns

Developer of proposed senior housing complex in Beaumont's west end tries to calm concerns

Concern is high about a proposed senior citizens affordable housing complex in Beaumont's west end.  That's why more than a hundred people living in that area turned out for a town hall meeting Tuesday night to hear from the senior vice president of NuRock Companies out of Georgia.
Dan Allgeier tried to answer questions neighbors have about the project, and to persuade them that it would not become a neighborhood nuisance.
NuRock is proposing building a 118-unit complex on four acres between Phelan and Calder.  It would house senior citizens, ages 55 and up, who have an annual income of less than $26,000.
The town hall was organized by Beaumont City Councilman Mike Getz.
 Allgeier disputed negative media reports from other parts of the nation about their properties, saying the company will be accessible and accountable to neighbors' needs.
He also talked about a 30-year deed restriction that will make sure the property would remain a senior living facility even if sold by NuRock.
Allgeier assured the crowd that criminal and financial background checks would be done on all tenants and on any guests staying at an apartment for longer than a week.
Most people in attendance told 12News they appreciated the presentation, but some remained unconvinced.  Danny Major said, "I was pleasantly surprised, but I'm still against it.  Beaumont is saturated with low-income subsidized housing, I don't think we need any more."
But not everyone feels that way.  John Stafford, who's lived in the neighborhood for 40 years, welcomes the complex.  He said, "I think Beaumont needs to move forward, Beaumont needs this housing project, I think it's a good thing."
Allgeier even guaranteed that local subcontractors would benefit from construction of the $14 million project.
The entire project hinges on NuRock getting tax credits from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to help fund it.
Those tax credits will be awarded on the last Thursday in July.
If NuRock gets them, construction on the Beaumont apartment complex begins January 2016, and will be complete in December of that year.
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